Website Launch and Corona Update
Who’d have thought our launch would be delayed by a global pandemic that meant the world was in lockdown and no one was tattooing… yet here we are.
Hello eco-tattooers and welcome to our new website!
Due to the ongoing coronavirus situation around the world we are unfortunately unable to sell and distribute our products until further notice, but I wanted to launch the site anyway so you could have a look around until things go back to ‘normal’. We've also decided on a slightly different plan for Green House moving forwards which I've explained in this update, so please read to the end!
As many of us are not able to tattoo at the moment and we can't open our online store either, now would be a great time to familiarise yourself with our products and materials and decide what items you’d like to buy in future. I’ve worked really hard to include as much information on this site as possible about us, our products and materials, the climate crisis, end-of-life options and more, so I really hope that you enjoy having a look around until products go on sale!
If you haven’t already hopped on the eco-tattooing train then what are you waiting for?!
Why not pledge to go green when you go back to work after lockdown?!
We need everyone if we are going to succeed in creating a more sustainable future for the tattoo industry and help save the planet!
I’ve written and built everything on this site myself, apart from some of the more technical behind-the-scenes stuff that our digital guru Matt has helped with, so please let me know if you notice any typos or broken links. You can reach out to let me know of any mistakes via our Instagram account @greenhousetattoosupplies.
I’ll be adding more members of our Eco-Tattooing Family to the site over the next few weeks and the Eco-Tattooing Toolkit will be updated on a regular basis - please let me know if there’s any particular products or topics you’d like to see covered!
Coronavirus and a new plan of action!
The Coronavirus situation threw us all into a tailspin for a while there and it’s taken us a little bit of time to get back on track and figure out a new way forward. In light of the ongoing situation around the world and the effect this has had on supply chains, distribution networks and small businesses we have decided to proceed with a slightly different plan for Green House for the foreseeable future.
Before the Coronavirus situation struck we had been planning to sell our products along with other branded eco-tattooing products. Now however, we have decided to sell our own branded products only and instead provide recommendations for other products as part of our Eco-Tattooing Toolkit.
There are three main reasons for this - the first is obviously the effect the Coronavirus has had on supply chains, stock and logistics around the world which made it impossible to organise stocking of other products at this time. The second reason is that the Coronavirus pandemic has seen small, independent businesses struggling, yet at the same time becoming a life-line for local communities. As such, we’d like to encourage the support of these businesses by recommending products that you can then source yourself from local suppliers that you want to support. And lastly, operating in this way will help reduce the impact of shipping around the world which will help save the environment.
Once we are up and running and everything is operating smoothly then we may also look at offering our products wholesale, but we’ll let you know more about that in future.
Just a reminder - our products will be on sale as soon as the situation allows, but at this time we cannot tell how long that will be and we have no control over the timescale. We are also unsure about how international deliveries will be affected moving forwards so we may have to launch in the UK first and then open up to the rest of the world when possible, but we’ll let you know more as soon as we do!
Last but not least, I just want to say a massive thank you for all your patience and support for this idea over the last two years. It has been an incredibly long and tough journey to today and I couldn’t have done it without you.
Now we wait! (whilst taking a look around the new site!)
Love Lucy
- Founder/Creator of Green House Tattoo Supplies